Set Scale Ribalog - ZLE

New in Version 3:

This tool has a new feature for users who print "To File"...

When this program is run, it replaces the contents of your clipboard with the name of the current drawing. This is done so when the "File Save" dialog appears, you can use the Windows "Ctrl-V" (Paste) feature to automatically Paste the name of the file into the edit box.


This ribalog allows you to set up Scalz so it will automatically hold a Scale for Printing in the header which can later be used by the Set Scale Tools to automatically set up to print your drawings.

If "Update Header When Setting Scale" is checked, any time you change the Scale using any of the Set Scale Tools, that print Scale will be updated to your drawings header.

If "Update Print Dialog When Setting Scale" is checked, any time you change the Scale using any of the Scalz "Set Scale" Tools, that print Scale will be updated to your current "Print Preset".

Note: Your drawing must be named before the header is accessible and a scale can be stored.

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